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发布时间:2025-01-29 08:48:14  来源:一哄而上网






Macau Monthly:  Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott made inappropriate remarks about China on several occasions during his recent visit to Taiwan. What is China's response?

Zhao Lijian: Adhering to the one-China principle is a universally recognized norm governing international relations. It is also the prerequisite and political foundation for China to develop friendly relations with other countries. Relevant actions of certain Australian politician seriously violate the one-China principle and send a seriously wrong signal to the outside world. China is firmly opposed to this and has lodged solemn representations with the Australian side.

The remarks of certain Australian politician are completely confusing black and white and extremely absurd. Such remarks that incite confrontation, drum up the "China threat theory", grossly interfere in China's internal affairs and wantonly slander and smear China out of selfish political gain are immoral, irresponsible and find no support.

We urge some individuals in Australia to abandon the Cold War mentality and ideological bias, respect basic facts, view China and its development in an objective and rational way, and stop making irresponsible remarks.


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